Author: Subhro

  • How to create an alias for ssh clients on Mac

    How to create an alias for ssh clients on Mac

    If you are using SSH to login into many servers, it can be difficult to remember all the different usernames, hostnames, and IP addresses. I am going to show you how easy it is created to create command-line shortcuts also called as aliases to solve this problem. There are two methods to create an alias.…

  • Mastering Spotlight Searches in Mac

    Mastering Spotlight Searches in Mac

    Spotlight is the revolutionary search technology built into OS X and it works fairly well out of the box, but with these tricks and tips, you can master the spotlight searches. You access it by clicking the magnifying glass icon in the menu bar or by pressing the ⌘ key and spacebar. Spotlight creates an…

  • Starting items automatically at Login in Mac

    Starting items automatically at Login in Mac

    Mac can automatically launch items and restore your work environment when you log in. There are two features in OS X, login items and resume, which exactly does this. You tell your Mac to open applications, scripts, or documents when you log in to your computer by specifying login items. With the resume feature enabled,…

  • 16 best iPhone apps you must try

    16 best iPhone apps you must try

    With over more than 2 million apps available in the app store, it is tough to decide which one is the best out there to download. I have tested 15 iPhone apps and thought of sharing my views on these. The iPhone apps list out here is on various categories such as productivity, utilities, photography…

  • Raspberry Pi headless ssh setup in Mac

    Raspberry Pi headless ssh setup in Mac

    If you have recently bought a raspberry pi 4 and don’t want to have a separate monitor, keyboard or mouse you can try a headless setup and access raspberry pi with ssh and VNC. This article will help you in setting up the Raspberry Pi 4 Model B for headless SSH access over WiFi using…

  • Apps for better Terminal Experience in MacOs

    Apps for better Terminal Experience in MacOs

    The macOS default Terminal app is great, but there are other alternatives which will allow more features and can be customized that just looks cool. My search ended up with the Iterm2, Hyper,Allacrity, Terminal, and the Cathode app. Let me tell you, you should definitely try these terminal apps or you are going to missing…

  • Router tricks to expand your WIFI network

    Router tricks to expand your WIFI network

    No one likes a weak WIFI signal. Right? So, what can you do about it? There are few tricks and tweaks which you can perform on your router settings to boost WIFI signal. Depending on your need and area covering some of the settings may or may not work. For example, in a multistorey building,…

  • How to setup passwordless ssh authentication?

    How to setup passwordless ssh authentication?

    If you SSH login to multiple hosts, it becomes a tedious task to remember all hostnames, IP addresses and Password. In this article, I am going to show you how you can SSH Raspberry PI without entering a password. In the first part of the tutorial, I will be showing you how to ssh using…